5 Essential Pages for a Small Business Website
If you are in the fortunate position of starting your new business, Congratulations! You are on your way to understanding what true accomplishment feels like. You will also feel the pain of learning many difficult lessons.
Being a techie, I went all in and created a website that was beautiful…and very slow. This was indeed a learning experience. I scaled it back to the bare necessities and then continue to build from there.
I do have clients whom are in need of a site that includes educational videos, sliders, store pages, multiple landing pages, etc. These are services eFFICIENT VIRTUAL PARTNERS provide.
However, for the startup that only needs pertinent information, there are 5 Essential Pages I recommend to most of my clients who are just starting out. The reason being is when we start a business, we see a plethora of great website ideas. Unfortunately, some of us spend a lot of time, energy, and money on web products that don’t fit into our business scope. (Elysia raises her hand).
Sometimes, personal pains happen to us so that we might help others avoid such painful lessons. Thus, I have created an Infographic just for you…and you…and you…and you!
If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. Enjoy your new venture! – e