Theme Days vs. Busy-ness
Do you find yourself too busy, yet getting very little done? Many of us are caught up in the glorification of busy-ness! Yet, how productive is this mindset? How do we maintain our focus while under the influence of busy?
After reading this article from, I have been applying theme days to my schedule. It has helped considerably. Though there are some tasks that require immediate attention and cannot be squeezed into said theme days. However, using my theme day model, I am able to conquer immediate tasks more efficiently. Additionally, I had a lot of fun naming my days!
Mindless Monday
Meetings are usually are a Monday constant, so I keep my focus is on low demand tasks such as:
- Social Media Posts
- Setting Goals
- Organizing
- Planning
Tackle it Tuesday
Energy is at its peak so focus is on items that require much thought:
- Write Blogs
- Social Media Engagement
- Brainstorming
Work it Wednesday
Peak momentum is still flowing. Therefore, I continue to focus on items that require much thought:
- Brainstorming
- Social Media Engagement
So now the momentum is receding, apply this theme by:
- Social Media Scheduling
- Scheduling Time
- Meetings and Meeting Appointments
At this point, energy at its lowest. It’s Friday after all. Which makes this is a good time to do some:
- Long term planning
- Relationship building
In conclusion:
- Focus is improved considerably.
- Productivity is applied at the right time each day.
- You might find yourself having more fun with your schedule by applying themes to each day.
What would your week look like if you named your days? Talk to me – E