Moving out of State & Starting a Small Business?
Well, we have fifty states to choose from. I decided to do some research. The results proved to be surprising and not so surprising.
So are you planning on starting a business and moving to another state? Read on…
On Jul 2, 2018, Wallet Hub posted their 2018’s Best & Worst States to Start a Business. Interestingly, I was planning a move to Hawaii (Bottom of the list). However, I took an extended trip to Texas (top of the list).
Surprisingly, I grew to love West Texas and for now, I will be calling this my landing spot between my scheduled travels. I had no interest whatsoever, to even visit this state. But an invitation was extended my way and I said, “Yes”. Glad I did so.
Central time is also a good place to be. Eastern, too early. Although Hawaii may be my idea of paradise, it is just too late. Still not ruling it out, however. Fortunately for we Americans, each of the United States has its unique scenery, skyline, or sunset.
Invaluable Information
The information Wallet Hub provides is invaluable to a new entrepreneur. Indeed, their information and methodology are solid. The measurements were based on the following Criteria:
- Business Environment – 50 Points
- Access to Resources – 25 Points
- Business Costs – 25 Points
Top 10 US States to Start a Business [Infographic]
So, of course, I was lead to create a new infographic. Below are the picture and a link to the PDF version. Furthermore, the PDF version contains links to Business Start-Up Guides for each state in the Top 10. (You’re welcome!)
Get PDF Version
Wallet Hub used the following sources to complete their measurements:
- U.S. Census Bureau
- Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
- Center for Digital Government
- National Venture Capital Association
- Tax Foundation
- U.S. Cluster Mapping Project
- Deloitte
- The New York Times Gallup U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis
- Council for Community and Economic Research
- LoopNet
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
- Kaiser Family Foundation
- WalletHub research