The Pomodoro Technique is a simple method created by Francesco Cirillo in the 1980’s. Additionally, this Technique is a popular one still being used today.
So Why am I just learning about this now? I thought I was an expert in Time Management! I guess I am actually an expert in learning. The more I learn, the more I need to learn. Thus, I have returned to the D1 level of Situational Self Leadership!
What are The Benefits of this Technique?
- Provides maximum focus
- More Creative Clarity
- Faster completion of projects
- Less Mental Fatigue.
- Simplicity: The approach is low-tech. Because all you need is a mechanical timer, paper, and pencil. Furthermore, there is now a web app for this:! How’s that for technology?
The physical act of winding the timer confirms the user’s determination to start the task; ticking externalizes desire to complete the task; ringing announces a break. Flow and focus become associated with these physical stimuli. [1]
E, why should I use the Pomodoro technique?
I am so glad you asked! Well, here’s a few situations in which, the Pomodoro Technique might help:
- There’s not enough time in the day.
- Feeling too distracted?
- Struggling to get anything accomplished?
- Fatigued and uninspired?
- Lack of work/life balance.
Who Benefits From This Technique?
- More Motivation – Fewer Distractions.
- Keep track of time spent brainstorming/writing /revising.
- Reduce back & neck pain during breaks.
- Submerge yourself in programming.
- Breaking up large arduous tasks into smaller chunks.
- Separates time spent developing and restructuring.
- Improves reading speed.
- Track assignments.
- Write papers.
- Breaking up large tasks into smaller chunks.
- Assess productivity in the workplace.
- Provide teams with tools to work collectively.
- Manage distractions by reducing interruptions during Pomodoros.
How It Works:
- Choose a task that deserves your full attention.
- Set the Pomodoro for 25 minutes of uninterrupted time.
- Work on the task until the timer rings. (When the sudden realization of something else you need to do, write it down on a piece of paper.)
- When the Pomodoro rings, put a checkmark on a piece of paper. (Give yourself some Kudos!)
- TAKE A SHORT BREAK (Do something relaxing, not work-related. Your brain needs this)
- Every 4 Pomodoros take a longer break. (20 or 30 minutes is good.)
Simple, yet impactful. Have you ever tried this method? Do you plan to try this in the future? Let me know how it works for you – E
[1] Wikipedia [2]