What is the Gig Economy? WhatIs.com defines it as, “A gig economy is an environment in which temporary positions are common and organizations contract with independent workers for short-term engagements.” Think Uber or Etsy.
How does the Gig Economy Help the American Worker?
-Stay-at-home parents can supplement their income. Additionally, avoiding the costs of childcare, business attire, and dining.
-Retired people, who want to do more are able to consult online.
-Students have the flexibility to work around their class schedules.
-People with disabilities have many options to work from home.
-Unemployed workers, struggling to find employment may start their own small business.
-Community. When you hire a local independent contractor you may be contributing to someone’s education. In addition, you are giving back to your local and state business community. How good will it feel that you are helping a qualified person in your area who has struggled to find work?
There are many risks with becoming an independent worker, such as:
-Various intervals with no work. However, with Uber and Lyft, there are other options.
-Start-ups are susceptible to online scams. Such as those I mentioned in my earlier blog.
-Competition is fierce. But this is because there is high demand for quality independent workers.
-Outsourcing to other countries. Sure, you might find someone cheaper, but what are you risking by doing so? Not wanting to get political. However, President Trump is making a statement about giving work back to Americans. What better way than sourcing gigs to a local contractor?
“A recent study in the U.S, by Inuit and Emergent Research, revealed that the number of Americans working on-demand jobs will rise twofold in the next five years, from 3.2 million to 7.6 million people.” – Flexy.com
Indeed, the Gig economy is not only here to stay, it is expected to rise considerably. What are your thoughts on this?